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upgrading to Fedora 40 Beta with DNF5 (kind of beta) rn. this will be fun lol


in reply to Seirdy

nobody else do what i just did holy shit

(im okay but wow use dnf4, dnf5 is still unfinished)

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Seirdy

TLDR: it tried to run a service that did not exist (dnf5-offline-transaction.service), didn’t find it. I had to shut down before the upgrade finished.

The part of the upgrade that was skipped was cleaning old packages. One of them was fedora-release-39. So DNF thought I was still on Fedora 39 and tried to use the F39 repos after I booted up.

Removing all the duplicate F39 packages fixed it. Fedora 40 (Sway) is nice.