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in reply to Living Blindfully

That is… extremely sad news for me. If you only knew how many times I pronounced your name when talking to blind people, including on air (I mean, on YouTube), you would be surprised, to say the least. Your podcast has always been a great source of news, discussions, thoughtful interviews, brilliant demonstrations. You taught me lots of things, although you don't know about it, Jonathan. I don't know how tactile you are, but since it's virtual, I permit myself to hug you and wish you all the best in your future endeavor. And if some day, one day you decide to relaunch a podcast… you know you'll have many devoted listeners, not only me of course, but I'll be among the first to hit that Subscribe button. Thank you for all your exceptional work. to me Jonathan Mosen means quality, brilliance, truthfullness, a steel will and a kind generous heart.
P.S. On a less serious note, it's also sad there won't be an episode 330 (country code 33 is France) and an episode 380 (country code of Ukraine is 380).
in reply to André Polykanine

@menelion You'll have me in tears soon! That is a very special message to get. Thank you, and I'm pleased the podcasts have been of such help to you.