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Ha, everything thing about #TheBadSpace is public. Everything.

Yet people will still make up some bullshit on a baseless assumption in an attempt to find something wrong with the project.

LOL, like, come on, man. I made it as easy as possible to get info about the project, and people still refuse to read.

in reply to Secret Right Wing Cult Leader

I’m assuming this is a subpost of me, given the timing. I attempted to set up a local instance of the project, cloning and reading through the code at I looked through the project’s code, and the documentation, and couldn’t find anything that accesses the Mastodon API for domain blocks. I assumed that it was populated by something else.

Reading through again, I see that it was in SourceRepository.php and I was looking for the wrong API endpoint. I’ll edit my previous posts accordingly.

I do find it strange that someone was running an instance of RapidBlocker while I was a source. (whoever this was, please reach out. i’m curious and want to see what you’re working on!)

The re-write of my blocklist generator I’m working on does separate the building of the blocks database (a Go program) with the generation of lists ( a Python program) which may have biased how I approached this. I was in the wrong for that, and I apologize, but I don’t think I was in the wrong for asking you about it.

This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)