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On Monday, I’m giving a #presentation to some #graphic design #university #students all about #sound, and how they might start to incorporate it in their #projects, so I put this little #demo together about how I make use of it as a #blind person. I have an hour to talk, so this is just what I’ll open with. the rest of the time will be live chat and Q&A.
In doing something like this with absolutely no visual aspect, I want them to start thinking about, and understanding the benefit of incorporating sound in new ways, how sound can help tell a story, and how together, visual plus audio can perhaps make something special.

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in reply to Onj 🎶

that's really well done! Listened to the whole thing and was ready for more. Excellent work.
in reply to Onj 🎶

Really cool. Thanks for sharing that! Would it be possible to perhaps add an example of a Live Photo with audio? Or did I miss something? I just wonder how many sighted people realize that the snippets of audio are recorded as part Live Photos.
in reply to victor tsaran

@vick21 No, I'm doing that after the pre-record section on the day itself, that's why I didn't put it here.
in reply to Onj 🎶

@talon I’ve heard many sighted people say they always keep sound off or muted on their devices. Maybe something to mention tomorrow.
in reply to Onj 🎶

@talon And then there are those who never seem to notice the occasional beeps about every 30 seconds trying to tell them that the battery in the smoke alarm is almost dead. :)