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# has an important article.. Give Up GitHub: The Time Has Come!

Discussed at HN:

> The # development methodology is #'s product, which they've proprietarized and repackaged with our active (if often unwitting) help

There's work to do. We have an answer and it has the # right smack in the middle of it:

🛠️ #

Read the report just published by @dachary

Then hop on the chat 🗣️
in reply to smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

@Humane Tech Now @Loïc Dachary I think nobody will move off of # as long as there is no # support in any of the # alternatives!

As soon as there is, I think people will start moving away. Not many, but some. Federation is a must-have, because otherwise creating accounts just for reporting a bug is just too much of a task for the average user and sometimes even for more "advanced" users. I certainly would be much happier if I could just use my own instance and create a bugreport/issue/etc on some project hosted somewhere else!

Of course, # does already provide everything we would need. Also, Email is THE workflow with # IMO. But I acknowledge that its just not enough for most users and they want some kind of # and bling-bling website like github. I do not blame them.
in reply to Matthias Beyer

if pull requests were part of git instead of being slapped on in proprietary ways, life would be much better. Git itself is a great model of decentralisation, but the "fluff" is different from one hosting service to the next.
in reply to Matthias Beyer

As far as I know, they are not. Commits and branches are, but pull requests are implemented in different, and mostly incompatible and non-portable ways across hosting services like Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure DevOps, etc.

If PR's have recently became core git functionality, please point me to the appropriate documentation, because that would be a very exciting step in the right direction!
in reply to szakib

@szakib @Humane Tech Now @Loïc Dachary git request-pull --help -

They were not invented by github or some other company, they were there from the beginning! 😉