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I just received Testflight invitation for @surf application. And discovered that VoiceOver, assistive tech for blind people, does not read anything. Just says "bottom sheet" twice, and the app's name, then NOTHING. I hope they fix this mess, because this all means cutting blind people off. I won't keep silent in front of yet another accessibility issue. #ableism #accessibility #blind #inclusion #disability #voiceover #fediverse

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in reply to Elena Brescacin

What UI framework (e.g. SwiftUI, Flutter, React Native) is this application using? I want to do what I can to point you in the right direction to resolve the serious accessibility problem pointed out in this thread.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt Thanks for pointing out Elena. We're committed to accessibility. Of course we're also in early beta so there is a lot of work left to do here. And thanks for your help Matt. We use React Native. + @greg @emilynguyen
in reply to Elena Brescacin

I've already provided a bunch of feedback. I'm glad that more than one person will be sending them ideas and suggestions. I hope things get better during the beta since this sounds like a good app.
This entry was edited (1 week ago)
in reply to Pratik Patel

@ppatel Do you happen to know what UI framework they're using? My response to such problems continues to be frustration that we haven't yet reached the dream of developer tools providing accessibility by default that I heard people talking about as far back as the late 90s, and curiosity about what developers like me can do to help us get there.

@talksina @surf

in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @ppatel If these are the same people that created FlipBoard, they created some of the most confusing UI in an app I've seen. Their usage paradigm was totally different from everything else and confused the hell out of me when I tried FlipBoard a few years back. And I remember them having to put in VoiceOver support after the app was released because at first, it was totally inaccessible as well.