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Because #Teams is slower than molasses flowing uphill, I break many conversations out into separate windows to save time across chats.

But Teams does not use window borders. So unless there is a lot of activity with the colored word bubbles as backdrops, holy shit is it hard to see then grab a corner to resize (something I need to do on the regular).

The Teams UI continues to be one of the most user-hostile ones I have ever seen from Microsoft.

And I used Bob.

This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Adrian Roselli

I know for me from a keyboarding standpoint it still proves more challenging than Slack sometimes, at least on the rare occasions I get to use it, so I'm not surprised visually it has shortfalls like this. Not to say Slack is perfect either, they both get even slower than molasses on DSL-quality internet connections or hotspot, but that's neither here nor there I guess and a topic of performance optimisation
in reply to Tamas G

@Tamasg I never liked Slack (still don’t), but holy shit is it like butter compared to the CPU-crushing UI-failing UX-hostile platform that is Teams.