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TIL; iOS allows accessibility elements to have non-rectangular bounds, using bezier paths. Clearly I should add that feature to my #AccessKit cross-platform library (no, AccessKit isn't an Apple thing).
in reply to Matt Campbell

I suppose, to support bezier paths, AccessKit may need to depend on kurbo ( again, instead of just copying the handful of simple structures and functions from kurbo that we do now.
in reply to Matt Campbell

do you plan to add something like that to the new wayland accessiblity api you are working on ?
This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Alper Çelik :cpp: :nix:

@Alper_Celik If I add it to AccessKit, then the new Wayland protocol will get it too. The current plan is to use serialized AccessKit trees. Of course, as the new Wayland protocol is more widely tested and reviewed, we may find deficiencies in the AccessKit schema.