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Just two days left to get in on this. Ends on Jul 6. If you want some new sounds or gear, now's the time.

#NativeInstruments Summer of Sound sale is now live.

From the website:

Summer of Sound has come back around, and it’s bigger and better than ever. For the first time, we’re offering 50% off all KOMPLETE 14 bundles, as well as all individual instruments, effects, Expansions, and upgrades. Don’t miss unbeatable hardware and software bundles, 50% off TRAKTOR PRO 3, and even half-price deals from our partners at iZotope.

To purchase and for more information, head to native-instruments, or feel free to use my affiliate link below:

Onj 🎶 reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

I need to make this happen. I haven’t been doing huge amounts of music lately so I’ve delayed doing my upgrade. Can’t beat the price, money availability is also an issue. As you’ve told me before it’s all about priorities. I’ll be sure to save your link so it can be used if I pull the trigger. You deserve the coin for nudging me the right way round from time to time. Thank you.
in reply to Noel Romey

@ner Thank you sir. I hope you can find some joy and solace in new music.
in reply to Noel Romey

@ner Just be advised that #Pihole doesn't care for it, so you'll have to bypass for the 10 seconds necessary to click the link, but once you're on the page it's all good. lol
in reply to Andre Louis

I turned pihole off and for some stupid reason, haven't turned the thing back on. I'll go to your link, then turn it back on. *Shrug*