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Some years ago Fracture Sounds made a library called 'Box Factory' in which they abused a great deal of boxes of all shapes and sizes, and it's very fun. I made a silly track using said library called 'A Bunch Of boxes' and this is what it does.
in reply to Andre Louis

Nice. This all sounds like it should be part of Native Instruments Damage, haha. Which is a library I use far too often.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Which is actually Heavyocity Damage, and for some years they've had Damage 2 which you should definitely own, it's also fantastic.
in reply to Andre Louis

Yeah, I keep forgetting to check out Damage 2. I set the bar pretty high for what libraries I purchase because otherwise I'd just purchase so many of them and I make no money whatsoever from music, haha.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I think that Damage must appear in every other film, and/or every other Netflix drama, it's a right of passage or something. I literally cannot turn around for hearing it. lol
in reply to Andre Louis

Yeah, that's one reason I'm very conflicted about my repeated use of it. It's just so over-used and easy to over-use. But also, I decided I don't really care as long as I think it sounds good. I used to get very tied up in all that stuff: trying to be different, trying to not over-use something because it's over-used everywhere else, etc. I eventually decided that I'm better off being true to what I think sounds good, and if people don't like it, that's unfortunate, but such is life.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh You're quite right. Do you have one of the Ultimate versions of Komplete? If so, go back through Evolve, Evolve R2 and Evolve Mutations 2. Same company, tons of very hidden gems if you haven't spent time with them, you'll find new ways of making stuff sound fantastic. Lots of people don't use those.
in reply to Andre Louis

Thanks for the tip. The friend I write music with recently suggested the same thing, so definitely going to take a dive when I get some time. I have Komplete 13 Collectors. Action Strikes is another library we tend to over-use.
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh I love love love the Evolve R2 library. …and Box of Tricks from SonicCouture. The perks in both are just so cool! :) Among other things, of course. I used some of the perks here:…
in reply to Jamie Teh

@jcsteh Damage is Heavyocity, not Native Instruments. Just to credit where credit is due :). It however made its way into Komplete, which is kinda great, because Damage and Damage 2 are awesome products indeed.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo Are you not in the FreakyFwoof tracks dropbox folder? It grows sometimes weekly, sometimes every couple weeks. It's in there.
in reply to Andre Louis

I guess I don't notice files appearing. I need to script something to show me new ones when I'm feeling bookishly inclined.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo that's not new. According to the date on it, I put it in there on March 6 of 2023.
in reply to Andre Louis

hehe I tend to shuffle the entire folder and flick through until something catches my ear, to go with whatever theme i'm looking for. It's quite possibly I've heard it and it didn't suit what I wanted.
in reply to Sean Randall

@cachondo It might be worth organising by date modified and playing the first 5-10 seconds of new to old, see if there's stuff in there what might be catchin your ear.
in reply to Andre Louis

are there no other sounds, instruments, and vsts in there? for real?
in reply to Andre Louis

in that case, that's even more awesome! I can't imagine that something like this could be made from literally box noises, fascinating
in reply to the esoteric programmer

Right? I couldn't even. It just didn't sound like boxes at all to me. It's pretty sweet though. Game vibes, anyone?