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If you take this as what this is, ie: an absolutely rough guide, it's not bad. This is the effort of about 20 minutes of discussion at around half 11 last night on #Jamulus with my singer-friend Mai. She came to me with just words and no key or tempo, I worked out some chords.
She recorded rough vocal in reaper and I lined it up with my end of the proceedings to avoid breakup, since she's on WiFi. Also need to tell her to not move away from the mic. I did say it was rough lol.
Anyway, the girl can siiiiiing!

Onj 🎶 reshared this.

in reply to Andre Louis

Oh she can that. I love that On The Inside track you both did.
in reply to Kara Goldfinch

@KaraLG84 Oh yeah I like that one too! I have two versions of that, one with backing that I did, and one with my upright piano and a phone camera. She's lovely to work with.