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Also everyone’s commenting on this Google ad, and after seeing it, all I remember is "two faces". Yay. Google camera has face and pet detection? Neato. Now fix the keyboard. If you can talk the talk you can walk the walk.
in reply to Talon

what’s wrong with the keyboard? I genuinely don’t get it, and I use it every day.
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 It is really, really slow. I use direct touch on iOS. It’s one of the reasons I switched. Most of what I do on my phone is type. So typing needs to work.
in reply to Talon

that could explain why I’m not having issues. I use the standard. Find the key and double tap on it method. Less typos I have to fix that way. I find that Shortcuts aren’t Shortcuts if they result in having to take half your time to fix what you broke.
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 Yup. That’s way too slow for me sadly. I have gotten very used to it, and I make very few mistakes. And I am very fast. Fast enough to do pretty much all my email and most of my chats from the phone.
in reply to Talon

my preferred method of typing would be with the regular keyboard. I’m faster there because I don’t have to play the hunt and poke game like you do when there’s no home road to speak of. Sadly, I can’t exactly connect one of those to my phone because I don’t have a Bluetooth one. For long messages, I just hit that voice input button and go on with my life.
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 Yeah I don’t like voice input personally. Not only because my messages are no longer private then, but also because I don’t want to yell my messages into the world. And if I did, I could just send a voice message, or call the person.
in reply to Talon

I don’t voice type unless I’m on my own. I have eavesdroppers in my own personal life, so voice typing is confined to the inside of my room. I want to get a braille display, but those cost money.
in reply to Talon

@evilcookies98 I absolutely wish I could use my phone the way you do. Never seen anyone type like you, mad person.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof @evilcookies98 I fear this is also why I’ll probably not get my wish anytime soon. But for me it is absolutely essential. I really don’t know what I would do if iOS suddenly broke direct touch input entirely.
in reply to Talon

@FreakyFwoof is there a possibility of a third-party screen reader having what you need?
in reply to Talon

@FreakyFwoof let me do some poking. I have the big names in the third-party screen reader department on my phone. I’ll see what I can find for you.
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 @FreakyFwoof I would need direct touch for the keyboard. Tap finger down on key, instant activation. Without disabling the screen reader. I think explore by touch has limitations which make this impossible.
in reply to Talon

@FreakyFwoof I think that’s what this is aiming for by killing browse by touch when the keyboard shows up. I’m not exactly sure. I can try it and hope I don’t get myself stuck somewhere to see how well it works if you’d like.
in reply to The Evil Chocolate Cookie

@evilcookies98 @FreakyFwoof yes but then you cannot edit while the keyboard is shown, or do character by character input when you want to do symbols or emoji. It’s not a great solution.
in reply to Talon

@FreakyFwoof True. Seems like either way you go. It’s going to be a trade-off if you prefer that method of typing. Let me send some emails and some messages and see if I can’t get someone to at least look at stuff.
in reply to Talon

@FreakyFwoof CSR has an option to suspend browse by touch when the keyboard is shown. Not exactly sure what that does though.
in reply to Talon

@evilcookies98 Oh goodness, yeah you can *really* type on the phone too. I think you shared a demo of you typing, and yeah, it's super fast. Which iPhone do you have? I think I'd be able to type a bit better if I had a bigger phone. Like, maybe. I don't know. I've not practiced too much on my SE 2020.
in reply to Talon

Just in case you haven't seen it with #AudioDescription, they extended the advert to add in about 40 seconds for said AD. While I think that's cool, I am glad iOS had had this for a few years now on their entire lineup. I know, it's harder for Android because of variations et cetera, but this is why as much as I would love Android if I had no accessibility considerations, iOS still wins for efficiency most of the time:
in reply to Talon

Actually, "still wins" is very inaccurate and too positive. It's the only choice for my use cases but a death of a thousand papercuts is unfortunately still the case.
in reply to Talon

LOL. Haven't seen the ad, but from your description, it sounds like they're going down the route Apple started down many years ago. Highlight the accessibility steps that seem impressive, while ignoring daily issues and frustrations in practice. Bonus points if you include a demo of someone who miraculously manages to walk the software happy path every single time they use the product.
in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes Move phone down. Two faces. Hold for picture. Two faces and pet. Hold for picture. Truly amazing stuff.
in reply to Talon

@jscholes It will identify food and other things, as well, works with both the front and rear camera, and takes the photo for you, it's how I take pictures of my daughter.