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In 2019 I co-ran a #PyCon Hatchery event, The Art of Python,… , featuring several monologues, plays, & other performances about the experiences of making technology.

It went great. It was going to run again in 2020, but COVID derailed that.… This year, #PyConUS #PyCon2024 #PyConUS2024 is requesting your Hatchery event proposals!

I'd love:

another performance night (HOWTO guide:… )

a photo booth, for professional headshots

in reply to Sumana Harihareswara

#PyCon Hatchery proposals are still open. Per the conversation in…

I'd love a "What Y'all Don't Realize Is...." track of talks like:

"I'm an expert in [thing that's not computing] and here's what I think you all should learn from how we do it, illustrated by wild stories from my own personal experience"

Aviation, outdoors recreation, medicine, improv comedy, disability activism, archery, chemistry, songwriting, manufacturing, archaeology, high-rise window cleaning...