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Stupid JAWS update broke my work laptop.
I hope I'm not, but worry that I am, coming down with something.
I miss my dog.
Having an #OverwhelmingDay.
in reply to Sean Randall

Updating my work laptop is a bit of a chore as I have to do some dancing with the Beyond Trust elevation system the guys have installed on it before I can run the installer. This means I can't just run the updater from the help menu.
in reply to Andrew Hodgson

@andrew I'm allowed a local admin account for installs. SO it's a bit of a pain to reboot into it, but nothing more complex than that
in reply to Sean Randall

@andrew Lucky. I have to request each individual update and *then* install it at a time that suits the IT department. Which, as luck would have it, is never when I'm having a quiet period.
in reply to aaron

@andrew And the icing on the cake. If I don't get the update installed within 2 days, they remove the software.
in reply to aaron

@fireborn How are they checking if that is the latest release, do they have some sort of release tracker? Is that with JFW or NVDA?
in reply to aaron

@fireborn Wow that's quite impressive. We're supposed to have that at our place but they still manage to install really old versions of Firefox and Chrome through pushed rollouts.
in reply to Sean Randall

Yeah that would be how I did it if I was to set these things up.
in reply to Sean Randall

Aw I'm so sorry about all this. Sending my best vibes and hugs if welcome.
in reply to Derry Lawlor

@DerryLawlor nah, the techy people are having to reinstall some system level stuff this morning so work is pretty slow today!
in reply to Sean Randall

I had a wierd one recently in work on my laptop I had one version of Jaws and a slightly newer one on the desktop but the desktop would not behave correctly but all good now.