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Alright, time to update #NVDA. Hopefully all goes well...
in reply to modulux

It's been tested fairly thoroughly, so we're confident it should go well. Any add-ons which work with NVDA 2024.1 or 2024.2 will work with this update. We do recommend restarting the PC after updating as we do occasionally see odd behaviour in between updating and the next restart of the PC. Otherwise, do please let us know if you encounter any issues!
in reply to NV Access

Yep, it all went fine. The notification for add-on updates works. The one I maintain also works fine without changes. Had to restart Firefox and Thunderbird, but everything else is fine. And I sent a donation to the project. Thanks a lot!
in reply to modulux

Thank you so much! We very much appreciate it (both the donation, the confirmation, and the feedback that the new features work as expected). Have a great week.