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OpenAI is massively expanding ChatGPT’s capabilities to let it browse the web and more… #news
in reply to Tech News Bot

@jcsteh I wonder if it will find the web more accessible than we do?

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in reply to James Scholes

@jscholes @jcsteh If it does, then I guess that means that we screen reader developers need to consider different approaches to making the web accessible.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@jscholes @jcsteh I kind of hope that some advance in machine learning makes all of our current ways of making things accessible obsolete, so we don't have to keep fighting the uphill battle to make the long tail accessible. Although I admit that the prospect of my current area of expertise becoming obsolete is scary.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @jscholes I have mixed feelings about AI and a11y. I talked about this at some length in a panel discussion a couple of years ago. Here's a link to a specific section, but there is a lot of other interesting commentary in that session.
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt @jscholes @jcsteh
More likely, it will prompt people to make their site accessible now not for screen reader users, but so the robots can talk about your products with more accuracy.