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We've reached a new peak for #adware intrusiveness.

More and more businesses that rely on ads and data collection for their revenue are struggling to prove the sustainability and profitability of their model. As a result, they're becoming more and more aggressive in ads and data collection. With the discreteness of their data collection programs gone long ago, their new goal is to make a world full of adware and spyware the new normal.

Google is now showing ads in the middle of your emails, and YouTube is disabling streaming unless you disable your ad-blocker.

But it's hard to think of an idea more intrusive than PlutoTV's new marketing stunt. They're giving away 500k smart 4k TVs for free, with an embedded Chromecast included.

The catch? Their 55-inch TVs will have a secondary 9-inch display physically soldered on top that you can't turn off and that displays ads 24/7.

Anyone else feels some echoes of 1984 at the idea of a display in your home that you can't turn off and whose content you can't control?

This entry was edited (11 months ago)
in reply to Fabio Manganiello

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