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Drugs, fanfiction, changing vocabulary
A thought I had when writing a #fanfic recommendation: isn’t it time to retire the term crackfic for #fanfiction that is silly, strange, or funny? We no longer use terms like gay as an insult. Don’t people experiencing substance abuse disorder deserve consideration? No, I’m not saying that these two groups are similar, just that neither of them deserve mockery. Also, as a white dude, the more I learn about the racial aspects of the beginnings of the crack epidemic in the united states, the less comfortable I feel co-opting the word crack to mean silly.
in reply to Samuel Proulx

I didn't know it came from that. I thought it was more like-cracking, or cracking the world. If it comes from that, it's not a very good thing to perpetuate.
in reply to modulux

@modulux I always assumed it came from that. In north America, the phrase “are you on crack?” Is frequently used when you think someone is being silly or stupid. So I assumed crackfic is a silly or stupid idea for a fanfic. I could be wrong? Does anyone who’s more of a #fandom expert than me know?
in reply to modulux

@modulux Thanks, now I’m stuck in tv tropes. Please send an extraction team if nobody’s heard from me in a couple months. lol
in reply to Samuel Proulx

Hahahaha, that one and wikipedia are extremely dangerous time sinks.