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I can’t even begin to tell you what a massive improvement it is for my mental health that there is now an Indonesian coffee shop near where I live in SF; that PLAYS LAGU GALAU (emo Indonesian music; one of my major music genres!)

It just opened, and.. hearing this music, and this language, around me in a place where I sometimes feel unmoored and far from home, is just a godsend.

#SanFrancisco #Kopiku #BayAreaEats #BAE #California

This entry was edited (5 months ago)
in reply to Adrianna Tan

Indonesia has the most interesting coffee scene I’ve seen. Not only are they one of the largest producers of coffee, their beans are so diverse (from Bali Kintamani to Aceh Gayo, and Sulawesi / Toraja beans, they each come from different islands; islands that are bigger than entire countries, with different soil, elevation..)

Local brewing styles plus Aussie craft cafe inspiration: I have been desperately missing this coffee scene and I’m so glad there is now ONE place for me here.

in reply to Adrianna Tan

Also, for people who don’t really like v acidic coffee roasts that SF cafes seem to favor: Indonesian coffees are not usually as ‘bright’ and ‘acidic’. These tend to be the beans from Africa.

The beans at Kopiku: Bali Kintamani, Aceh Gayo, Sulawesi Toraja, which are the big ones. Their beans come from Beaneka, a related business.

In the past I would have to go out of my way to look for third wave coffee with Indonesian beans. Even then they’d only have one.