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CZ.NIC set an end to #IPv4 on June 06, 2032 in the Czech Republic. This leaves operators about 3000 days to go #IPv6. As a German, I hope that this puts pressure on all European ISPs.

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in reply to Max Resing

This seems like an extremely hostile move for those trying to access government services from outside the country. What are people supposed to do if they live in a place where V6 connectivity isn't even available? Having to change your carrier to a more expensive one, just so that you can file your taxes or whatever every year, also seems like a terrible outcome.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki - IMO there will be no excuse to not be dualstack in 2032, don't you agree?
in reply to Max Resing

Sorry, I missed the 2032 part, I thought it was june 6 this year. I still expect there will be a few holdouts by then, particularly in places with no budgets for modernizing IT infrastructure. I don't believe we'll reach 100% worldwide coverage in 8 years.