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Looking for a #gnome #linux suggestion. I'm running #debian on my laptop with Gnome. I'm looking for how to configure a Gnome hot key to do something I'm used to doing.

On a Mac or on Windows, Alt-Tab cycles through open applications. This works the same on Gnome. On both Windows and Mac there's another key combination (Ctrl-Tab on Windows, I think; Cmd-~ on Mac) that will let you cycle through windows of the currently focused application. If I have 2 or 3 terminal windows open, I can press Cmd-~ to bring different ones in focus. These keystrokes don't seem to be working in Gnome. I can't find a key sequence to switch between VSCodium windows, or terminal windows, or Firefox windows.

What's the trick?

in reply to Paco Hope for Harris

the shortcuts are Super + Tab for switching between apps, and Super + the key above Tab, depending on your keyboard layout.

For more information:…

in reply to Emmanuele Bassi

@ebassi Everyone quickly pointed that out. So I must have messed something up by changing a setting somewhere. I'll go check my settings.