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"Proponents of degrowth also favour the democratisation of the economy and collectively managing key resources like housing – including through housing co-ops. The documentary features Sostre Civic, a housing co-op in Barcelona as a case study. Founded in 2004, Sostre Civic has 1,000 members and 17 ongoing projects, comprising 236 homes. It retains collective ownership of the property and members are granted the right to use the dwellings for 75 years."…
in reply to Gerry McGovern

After casual brushes with #accelerationism and #longterminism I am extremely weary about this #degrowth idea I just learned about.

I fear that if I scratch the surface, there will be a promise of a large pile of dead bodies of the "out group"

#fascism got a bad rep, so it's slapping new labels on its core beliefs to recruit more enthusiastic grayshirts/redhats.

in reply to Wulfy

I think if you dig a bit into Degrowth, you'll find it's the opposite of tech bro ideologies like longtermism. Of course, every ideology can be abused, but Degrowth to me is about living within the constraints of our environment, living in a truly sustainable way. It is about giving all a decent life, which very much means a vastly reduced consumption model for the middle classes and the elites.
in reply to Gerry McGovern


I did a bit more reading.

I was always sceptical of the notion that we need ~3.5% growth in our #economy just to stay where we are.

The only thing in nature with infinite growth is cancer...and it stops only once it kills the host.

I'm sold


in reply to Wulfy

I have a very vivid memory of being confused about 3-5% annual growth. It was 5th grade and an introduction to economics class.

I put up my hand to ask what happens to car companies when people have enough cars and how many cars to people need? The teacher was completely confused about how to answer.

It was only a few weeks prior the same teacher had taught us about the ecological balance of nature... the wolves eat the deer, the deer eat the plants, and everything stays in balance.... then brings in this class about infinite growth and my little brain was trying to figure out the balance part.

It didn't seem weird to her that the laws of nature don't exist when it comes to exploiting nature.