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@pluralistic has an #OpenLetter to #PolicyMakers to create a regulatory environment to prevent the #enshittification of our already partly enshittified #CleanTech…

You need to read it, but most importantly, those who can actually, factually, change the system, before we're broke, living in a tent next to a mountain of #EWaste, need to read it.

In #Germany, I'm looking at you: @Bundesregierung @BNetzA

Wenns auf #Deutsch sein soll, geb einfach Bescheid.

in reply to Oliver Sampson

One thing I think we desperately need is the Framework Laptop, but for EV's. My dad used to have a kit car business, and that would seem to translate well to EVs. Get an EV Chassis with an isolated CAN bus and use standardized or custom parts to complete. Ditto non-proprietary, privacy-focused software for other functions. It should be possible to actually own your vehicle.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)