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Please check out the @dillo browser!

I feel it's the most lightweight and charming browsers I've ever used.

#gemini and #gopher support through plugins!

I think it may have a very powerful and possibly language-agnostic plugin system--maybe fun to develop for.

in reply to someodd

Ooh! Will it be/has it been borrowing from dillo-plus and DilloNG?
in reply to someodd

thank you for the kind words :blobcatbolb:

I encourage you to play with the plugins, there are some written in Bash that are less than 100 lines long (other languages are fine too):

in reply to Dillo browser

That's really interesting! I'll take a look. I want to write a plugin in Haskell, but I'm not sure what it might do. I want to start small and simple.

Is there a list of plugins people want, a poll, or anything like that? Do people maybe want an RSS previewer plugin?

I really admire how unix-like the plugin system works by being language agnostic because I assume it uses standard in/out or something?

This entry was edited (4 weeks ago)
in reply to someodd

maybe you can begin with RSS, which seems a good starting point.

There is no poll, but that one would be useful to have. Specially in Haskell so we have some language diversity.

in reply to Dillo browser

I will start with an RSS/Feed preview plugin in Haskell, then.
in reply to someodd

Support for under-appreciated/older XML namespaces for RSS/Atom feeds would be lovely and quite on-brand for the project! Feel free to ping me to try it out, and I’ll see if I can help (though I’m not familiar with Haskell).
in reply to someodd

See, and for an example feed that uses many of these extensions and more.

Liferea is the feed reader I know of with the most support for RSS/Atom extensions.