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Do you remember #AntennaPodEcho from last year? It was a lot of fun thinking about the data we could show and implementing the screens that calculate and display your personal statistics! It's early on in the year, but it's time to start working on this year's Echo. Are you a (hobby) designer or Android developer, and interested in contributing to this cool gimmick? We're looking for you! Chip in on the forum and let us know 👇
in reply to AntennaPod

The sad thing was that the feature dissapeared on January 1st.
So I had some statistics for 11 months but never for the whole year.
This might be a feature to implement.
in reply to Möph

We agree, and that's on our list for improvements indeed. This time it'll stay until January 7th!
in reply to AntennaPod

Oh thank you!
Did you akso consider a button (somwhere) to activate it manually (even after january)
in reply to Möph

We did consider but decided against it as it would defeat the purpose of having something special, for everyone at the same time. Basic statistics are available as usual via the Subscriptions screen (using the đź“Š button in the top bar).
in reply to AntennaPod

An as I currently have your attention:
Thank you for your work.
I benefit from it several hours a day!
in reply to AntennaPod

I liked it too.
But only saw it because of the social media posts...I deactivated the start page on the left bar and therefore not saw it automatically...
Would be a thing too consider as well!
in reply to DarkModeEverywhere :linux: :nextcloud: :opensuse: :vim:

We did consider it but our current position is that it might be too invasive for our average user, and we're rather safe than sorry. If it's something you would really like, or can think of another way to bring Echo to your attention with your use case, don't hesitate to create a request on or via
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to AntennaPod

@redhathacker maybe something like a in app banner on top to made it visible and to know where to find it. And then you have a button to dismiss it or to activate it explicitly in the left bar maybe...instead of the start part...
in reply to Jan Jansen

We have discussed adding it to more/all screens (in addition to 'Home') but it would mean additional maintenance work in all screens for a block that shows only a few weeks per year. For now our idea is to add it also to the Subscriptions and/or Statistics screen only. But the side menu might be a nice option as well indeed.