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What a week! After an amazing Australian Story on Monday featuring our founders, Mick & Jamie, today they were honoured with the Queensland Community Foundation Philanthropy Innovation award. Thank you especially to all our supporters, for making the dream of a free, charity-backed screen reader a success! Thank you also to the amazing KDPR - Kristin and the team have been amazing with getting us ready for these events!

#philanthropyawards #qcf23

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in reply to NV Access

NVDA is a project I have absolutely no doubt in supporting. Good in principle, good in practice; good technology, good organisation, good licencing; and the best possible price!

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in reply to modulux

@modulux Thank you so much! We have planned and worked very hard on all those points :)
in reply to NV Access

Switching to NVDA late, late last year was one of the very best decisions I ever made personally or professionally. Absolutely well done to everyone involved in making this screen-reader such a success. For me personally, so much less stress in my life as a result of switching. I didn't realise it until doing so.
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof It's really good to see that even the greatest Dolphin lovers can't resist NVDA.
in reply to Leonard de Ruijter

@leonardder The one thing I flatly refuse to give up though, is Orpheus. That's my Eloquence for all you eloq lovers out there, so glad there's an addon that enables me to use that, otherwise things might have been quite different. haha
in reply to Andre Louis

@FreakyFwoof I abandoned Orpheus in 2009 or so, but it was indeed really hard to switch, especially because it spoke Dutch pretty well and Eloquence doesn't. I'm now at ESpeak for around 5 years I think.
in reply to Andre Louis

@leonardder @FreakyFwoof back in the day I wrote an Addon for the Apolo and Juno. Used it for month until the Juno gave its last breath.
in reply to Rui Batista

@ragb @leonardder I still have a working juno connected to a telnet and icecast server, so you can telnet to it, and then tune your media player to it to hear what it says.
in reply to Leonard de Ruijter

@FreakyFwoof I also had a pretty bad time switching from Orpheus 1 to 2, leaving Orpheus 1 on my system because I couldn't get used to 2.