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Von den meisten kaum bemerkt, wird das Open Source Learning Management System ILIAS laufend in Sachen #Barrierefreiheit verbessert. Aber diejenigen, die dringend darauf angewiesen sind, wird es freuen.
Einen schönen Einblick in die Communityarbeit zur Barrierefreiheit gibt's unter dem folgenden Link der FH Dortmund:


in reply to 21st Century Man

"(...) Hardly noticed by most people, the open source learning management system ILIAS is constantly being improved in terms of accessibility . But those who urgently need it will be happy.

A nice insight into the community work on accessibility can be found at the following link from the FH Dortmund:

#OSS #ILIAS #LMS… (...)"

This entry was edited (5 months ago)