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🎉We've just hit send on those long-awaited emails to our selected final hour beta testing team! 📧 Make sure to check your inbox ASAP to see if you're one of the chosen few. Make sure to check your spam or unwanted folder just in case our message landed there. We can't wait to work with you!
in reply to The Byte Bender

huge thanks to each and every one of you! To those who made it in, congrats! It's going to be great working together. And for those who didn't, wishing you all the best! We genuinely wish we could have accommodated everyone, but wow, the response was overwhelming.
So, here are the numbers: We received a whopping 158 submissions, totally shattered our expectations! And from that pool, we've selected 51 outstanding submitions. I honestly think that's impressive for our community! Thanks so much to all of you for letting this happen.