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I'm learning #Hebrew now (for the umpteenth time, hopefully for real this time). Before I always used my slate and stylus (don't laugh!) to write new words for muscle memory. Now I'm learning on #Duolingo using their iOS app, and here's my point: one more pain of using touch screens is that it doesn't add to my muscle memory, and I can easily forget how a word is written. As it's probably not the case with a normal hardware keyboard, I'll create some small vocabulary on my PC.
in reply to André Polykanine

When I had low vision I taught Hebrew to individuals with English as a second launguage. As well as other languages. I studied multiple Ancient languages that did not translate into Braille which I did not worry about at the time thinking I would not have to worry about it. Now I have no vision, poor braille skills, and my ability to read Hebrew as well as the multiple other languages I once read and taught are no longer available to me. (1/2)
in reply to Mervin Keck

@blind5sparrow Oh, and Hebrew of course does translate to Braille, I just have no slate and stylus here with all those moves to different countries.
in reply to André Polykanine

Я заинтересован в том, чтоб начать изучать иврит.
in reply to André Polykanine

чем, кроме Дуолинго пользуешься? Каким планом? платным либо безплатным?
in reply to Zvonimir Stanecic

@asael Пока ничем, только Дуо. У нас платный план, в своё время покупал семейную подписку в основном для Наташи, сейчас решил тоже вернуться.