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My new favourite #VoiceOver bug in #macOS 14: the #screenReader's actual audible output being different if the last spoken phrase is being polled via #AppleScript. WTF?
in reply to James Scholes

How does the output differ exactly, also does polling frequency change anything?
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki As an example: without polling, navigating to an item in an ARIA menu will only cause VO to read the item's name. While polling, it says the name, plus the string "menu item" (i.e. the role). Not sure about frequency, I'll have to try changing it.
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki Something else. It's an Electron app, polling via…
in reply to James Scholes

@miki Seems like your spoon polls every 100ms, as does our app. Any chance you could please try opening the menu on this page, and arrowing through the items without quick nav enabled, to see if the output differs with and without history monitoring?…
in reply to James Scholes

I cannot repro this on 14.5, I get "menu item" when using the VO cursor and no "menu item" when using the arrow keys, regardless of whether HS is running
in reply to Mikołaj Hołysz

@miki I suppose it would be too much to ask to update your Mac? LOL. Thanks for checking; I guess we should try getting HS up and running.
in reply to James Scholes

I'll do it at some point and get back to you, but not right now and not on this crappy VDSL connection.
in reply to James Scholes

Unless there's something else running that uses Applescript and affects VO, but I don't think there should be. I tried quitting TC just in case, and the behavior didn't change.
in reply to James Scholes

@miki I’m on the beta here. This page, when pressing actions button and navigating both with arrow keys and VoiceOver commands, says the words menu item. I don’t use the history spoon or any other app that might be polling speech history as far as I know. I just quit hammer spoon to try again, and it still says menu item after the options in Safari each time no matter how I navigate it.
in reply to Talon

@miki Could it be that this has something to do with how caret browsing works using VoiceOver in Safari and that fighting with the keyboard handler of the menu?
in reply to Talon

@miki I have now installed the speech history Hammerspoon and while it still says menu item in both cases, now I’m able to arrow outside past the menu where this didn’t happen before.