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Some people asked whether in a dream you can speak a foreign language you barely know in reality. Well, the answer is a definite Yes since in my last dream I spoke #Hebrew a lot, although in reality… my Hebrew is very poor so far.
in reply to André Polykanine

I love how dreams make us believe everything that happens in them, even though in reality it is highly unusual or improbable. Very exciting stuff
in reply to André Polykanine

I spoke Hungarian in meditation and once in dream and that’s how I decided to learn it. lol
in reply to André Polykanine

I had a similar dream. When i fell asleep to ladysmith black mambazo, i then began to dream that i spoke zulu when i don't even know any
in reply to André Polykanine

Во сне свободно говорил с какими-то чуваками на фарси, причём так-то не знаю его, за исключением пары фраз от местных таджиков. Фиг знает как мозг работает и откуда оно вообще берётся.
in reply to Kirill

@Yinshi Вот и я про то. У меня прям длинный сон был, с кучей диалогов на иврите.
in reply to André Polykanine

И у меня так, причём понимал смысл всего.
in reply to André Polykanine

I have spoken French, Hebrew and a Slovic language that I don't know if it was Russian, Ukrainian, or something else, but I have definitely spoken foreign languages that I cannot speak in waking life with such furver, in dreams.