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Playing around with the new iOS 18 features and I thought the new command mode of Braille Screen Input will make me the ultimate forms wizard, just opening the BSI, filling one field in, switching to commands and over to the next field. It sort of works with the dots 1 and 4 navigating to the previous and next item but it also goes over every single label, anything that is not a form field etc. Tried the same by setting the rotor to form controls but as soon as an edit field is found the editing commands jump in and I can only navigate by characters, words and lines. What would actually help is a gesture simulating the pressing of tab to jump to the next interactive element. Rant, and voice, over. #Accessibility #Blind #Apple #iOS
in reply to Devin Prater :blind:

@pixelate Yes, that's the one. Thanks a million. There's a little bug, though, as soon as I landed on something else than an edit field, for example a radio button, it got stuck and wouldn't work any more.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

Ooo, yeah, they definitely should improve that, but it's also probably like MacOS where Tab doesn't go through every item.
in reply to Paweł Masarczyk

yeah that's weird, I don't know why it only allows you to switch the rotor between characters, words, and lines in BSI. Switching the rotor to form controls would be nice, especially on a website or app with form fields. Maybe you should submit feedback to apple regarding this thing.