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Really sad to hear about AppleVis. It was one of the first resources I came across when I was just getting into using iOS over 10 years ago now. I understand David has been going through a lot of tough times recently, especially with his health and personal life. With that being said, I am honestly a little shocked that more effort wasn't put into finding someone suitable to take over.

The website is relatively simple, I can't imagine it would be much of a challenge to find another webmaster in this community willing to take it on. I really hope this can happen, luckily we have about a month before the site goes off-line for good, so I'm sure within that time a solution can be found, but to simply close such a valuable resource like this that has been indispensable to many in this community without any kind of solution in place seems like a step too far.

Again, I wish David and the rest of the team all the best, and hopefully together we can build a comparable alternative. Thanks for everything.

in reply to Zachary Bennoui

It is sad to say this, but this is one of those things when one person is in the sole control of such an important resource and how once they are unable to manage it we all lose.
in reply to Khronos

Exactly. It boggles my mind that he didn't think about getting more site administrators on board earlier, I don't understand. This is literally one of the most popular sites devoted to Apple accessibility that I can think of, why is it just being shut down as if it's nothing?
This entry was edited (1 month ago)
in reply to Zachary Bennoui

This wouldn't be the first time something like this occured. Think back to the middle ages and how much knowledge was lost just because we didn't think it was important to preserve.
in reply to Khronos

@khronos Exactly and that's a great point as well. We've lost so much of our history already, let's not make the same mistake again.
in reply to Zachary Bennoui

It looks like the domain is active until 07/22/2025. There probably is an easy way to host it in read only mode for a while until someone figures out how to move forward with it from a feature prospective.
Unknown parent

@weirdwriter There may be lots of issues going on here as to why #applevis is shutting down. Most of them have probably been made public, but there were more than likely some internal struggles that were going on that we may never know about as well. One way or another we will move on even if the site goes away. There will be another to take its place some day.