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No more rocket science, I'm moving to Post-Quantum encryption any day now...

#infosec #cryptography

in reply to André Koot

I would use a pre-quantum (e.g. EC) and post-quantum (e.g. KYBER) at the same time. The math behind KYBER Is rather new and other algorithms in the NIST competition have been cracked (rather late in the process!) in a couple of hours on classical hardware.
in reply to Jörn Franke

@jornfranke That's exactly what we do; it's a hybrid protocol using both new and 'old', proven algorithms.
in reply to André Koot

It kind of boggles my mind how quantum safe encryption is even a thing that can be achieved, especially without the use of quantum computing itself.

Does anyone know a good basic primer for someone who understands standard encryption (just) but isn't any kind of computer scientist / theoretical mathematician etc?

in reply to Tuta

Not... really.

The blog post says what projects are being used to encrypt, but the only mention of how is one sentence about that they use problems considered "too difficult" for a quantum computer to figure out. There's no mention, not even a sentence, of what kind of problem or why it would be difficult, which is exactly what I'm wondering.