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⚠Preliminary info: #earthquake (#terramoto) about 70 km SW of #Sesimbra (#Portugal) 2 min ago (local time 05:11:37)❗MAGNITUDE NOT AVAILABLE YET❗Updates at:
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#Earthquake (#terramoto) confirmed by seismic data.⚠Preliminary info: M5.1 || 74 km SW of #Setúbal (#Portugal) || 3 min ago (local time 05:11:38). Follow the thread for the updates👇
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Have you tried our new information service? A telegram bot that sends you personalised information about felt #earthquake around you 🤖
It's free and add-free, just try it:
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#Earthquake 74 km SW of #Setúbal (#Portugal) 3 min ago (local time 05:11:38). Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyeswitnesses. Share your experience via:
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Earthquakes may happen anytime: what to do during the shaking?
🠪 INSIDE: take shelter, keep away from windows.
🠪 OUTSIDE: stay away from anything that might collapse (bridges, roofs, electrical wires).
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🔔#Earthquake (#terramoto) M5.5 occurred 73 km SW of #Setúbal (#Portugal) 4 min ago (local time 05:11:38). More info at:
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#Earthquake 73 km SW of #Setúbal (#Portugal) 4 min ago (local time 05:11:38). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience:
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Following the #earthquake (#terramoto) M5.4 occurred 79 km SW of #Setúbal (#Portugal) 5 min ago (local time 05:11:40). More info at the links provided below👇
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ℹEvent wrap-up: today a M5.2 #earthquake (#terramoto) hit #Amora (#Portugal) at 05:11:38 local time (UTC 04:11:38). Shaking was felt over 400km by approximately 8M people in Portugal, Morocco and Spain.
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ℹ Aftershocks may occur in the next hours/days. Unless it is necessary, stay away from damaged areas for your safety 🙏 Be careful and follow national authorities' information.
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🗨Eyewitnesses are saying: 'Woke us from sleep and felt the house shake gently.[…]' Felt the #earthquake too? Share your experience and read others' at:
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#Earthquake 64 km SW of #Sesimbra (#Portugal) 19 min ago (local time 05:11:38). Updated map - Colored dots represent local shaking & damage level reported by eyewitnesses. Share your experience via: