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Mixxx is proud to announce plans to acquire Alpha-Theta (Pioneer DJ), Serato, and Native Instruments.

"We are committed to our customers, so it's only fair to demand that they stay committed to us as well."…

in reply to Mixxx DJ Software

should put a flat 50€/mo fee on mixxx after this and fill it with forced telemetry on the end-user lol
in reply to Cobalt

@cobalt This is an excellent idea, we will file an issue and start implementation ASAP
in reply to ◀️ 🇳 🇺 🇳 🇩 ▶️

@nund We plan to make our entire suite of products available only for Linux, which is the highest-performance and most stable operating system available. macOS and Windows versions will be gradually phased out, and our representatives will be confiscating noncompliant hardware.