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Cleaning up the office and stumbled over this. Metrowerks CodeWarrior for Palm Pilot.

#retrocomputing #palmpilot #metrowerks #codewarrior
in reply to Brian Swetland

I remember the irony of the Palm Pilot: You need Windows to use it, but a Macintosh to develop for it.
in reply to Hubert Figuière

@hub I hacked on reverse engineering the sync protocol back in the day and was thrilled when people got a gcc based toolchain working.

Before that I used an old Mac IIci that someone had given away for development.

This CW release claims Win95/NT support on the CD label, but I don't remember if I ever tried that. Don't have a CDROM drive handy at the moment to see exactly what's there.
in reply to Brian Swetland

yeah that's about the time CodeWarrior got ported to Windows, and on the other side, the Palm software was "ported" to Mac. So it got sorted and that Release 3 was likely later.

pilot-link was awesome work.