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Pixel 3 up and running (again again again), huge props to @drakulix for getting things rebased and fixing all the regressions and weird new issues.

#postmarketOS #LinuxMobile #gnomemobile

Andy Holmes reshared this.

in reply to drakulix

Now I want to try PostmarketOS myself sometime. I have a Pixel 3 that's sitting mostly unused, still running the stock Android image. I'll get a newer device for Android testing, then I can put PMOS on the Pixel 3. Would be interesting to hack together a prototype of a screen reader running on GNOME Mobile with touchscreen support.
in reply to Matt Campbell

the issue is, as far as I understand it, that at-spi doesn't support touchscreen input at all. Otherwise though, it's doable
in reply to Matt Campbell

@matt it would be amazing to have somebody with a11y experience have a look at our systems! Unfortunately we're still "beta", and have several things to fix that would really benefit from somebody with the experience to have a look at (e.g:…). If you install it and get hooked on Linux Mobile, maybe we could explore some grants/funding πŸ˜‰
in reply to pabloyoyoista

@pabloyoyoista If I get serious about developing for PMOS, do you think it would be better for me to use my old Pixel 3 or get a PinePhone or other better-supported hardware? I guess the most important things for screen reader development and testing would be reliable touch input and sound.