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GNOME Calendar users, rejoice!

After 7 months of pain and suffering, we finally reworked the event details popover, which will be available in GNOME 47!

The new event details popover builds on top of the existing UI/code, while adding a few improvements and behavioral changes:

  • The popover displays the changes-prevent (lock) icon when the event is read-only.
  • Each section is properly separated with separators, with equal amount of margins.
  • Location and Meetings section are mutually exclusive; only one is shown.
  • When an event has no event note, the popover will always explicitly display that there's no event description.
  • The action button adapts its icon and tooltip text depending on the event permission.…

#GNOME #GNOMECalendar #GTK #libadwaita #GTK4

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