Items tagged with: LinkedData
DataLAB: Fanfreluche est une poupée | Nerdlab
Waarom kunnen mensen beter redeneren dan computers? Kom mee in het lab dit ontdekken aan de hand van de zin 'Franfreluche est une poupée'Nerdlab
There is this conference "Semantic Web in Libraries"(SWIB) which I am involved in organizing. Each year, there's a great bunch of people meeting.
You have something interesting to share about #LinkedData in libraries or related institutions? Or have some ideas on how libraries could contribute more to the growth and maintenance of the Fediverse?
Please consider a submission (which is only an abstract). The deadline has just been extended to 11 July 2022:
SWIB22 - Semantic Web in Libraries
Conference SWIB22 - Semantic Web in Libraries - 28 November - 2 December 2022 on the