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Items tagged with: wannabe

Forgive me Father and Mothers for I have sinned, :success:


1. As a #wannabe #vegan, I had two smoked streaky pig rashers and two egg fu yung for breakfast. How do they get the pigs to smoke? :coolgnome:
2. ...washed down with my 'do not use caffeine' pot of coffee with fruit and nut chocolate for afters. I have a nut allergy. Which makes me allergic to myself. Auto-immune disease. Which I thought meant I was allergic to cars.
3. Hail Ivanka full of race, blessed art thou amongst refugees. No... wait that is not quite right. Oh well good thing I prefer the Eastern Orthodox Church.

Just now I tried to boot into EasyOS from a USB key drive and I could not. I think my BIOS has been Debianised. All I wanted to do was run Idle and Python from Debian. Could not. 🙄

#DeepSeek found some efficient code to generate a 288 RND password. Wait a minute what do I want passwords for...

As I was saying Mothers and Fathers I have sinned. I as an ex-Puppy user, I will run as the Root of all OS, so help me COD...

...and now back to the serious stuff, which in a world/terra/terror Gaia gone mad is seriously easy to fund but not find or vice versa... 🦞
