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Items tagged with: ietf

Is it time for a Declarative #HTTP Spec Test Suite within the #IETF?…

The proposal suggests it could be based on hurl:

On this day, 15 years ago the http-state working group was created in #IETF.…

27 months later the cookie RFC 6265 was published:…

This spec is now being revised. The latest draft is called -13 and lives here:…


Woohoo! #IETF #RFC9460 has been published: "Service Binding and Parameter Specification via the #DNS (#SVCB and #HTTPS Resource Records)".…

Thank you to everyone has supported and contributed to this over the past almost nine years since the initial seeds were planted during discussions at a TLS 1.3 interim meeting.

SVCB has potential to have substantial impact across a wide range of Internet protocols. I'm thrilled to see how many drafts are already building on it.