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Items tagged with: Bleh

I literally hit h for heading and fly past all those sponsored results. I've also found that even when they feature ads for that which you want they're deceptive. If you search for #JasmineLotion they'll append Jasmine to every sponsored lotion whether it contains it or not. #Bleh

Necítim sa zle, vôbec, len sa cítim ako by som niečo robil. #bleh #tea

edit: ak mám byť úprimný, nohy piči z toho behu, normálne stehná eh bleh heh cítim riadne.. dobré to je :02_dab:

#tea #bleh

Kúpil som si apku pretože štatistika batérie od Samsungu je meh #bleh. (meh bleh - o ničom)

edit: 5G, 120hz, QHD+, cez bluetooth párované hodinky, Sync on, Adaptive brightness... stay tuned


Presne toto som potreboval.. mať čaj po ruke, ano ano Vianočné trhy #bleh kaktus šťava a tak podobne.