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Items tagged with: EatTheRich

The new Starbucks CEO, Brian Niccol, is going to commute to the office 3 days a week by private jet.

Don't forget to take your reusable cup to the coffee shop!

#climate #ClimateCollapse #environment #EatTheRich…

The vintage computers, many of which were donated to LCM, many of which were lovingly restored and maintained by volunteers, are being auctioned by Christie's and zero dollars of that money is going to anyone with an actual hand in creating the value being extracted.


Why the world cannot afford the rich…


El beneficio se incrementa un 21% gracias a que el margen te intereses ha subido un 50% (!) y aún tiene la jeta de decir que eso "ayuda a compensar" el impuesto... Pobres... 🤡


It's not just an inflation crisis.
It's a record corporate profit crisis.
