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Items tagged with: GagOrder

Justice #Merchan says that, w/the consent of the defense lawyers, Susan #Hoffinger, the prosecutor, has stepped out to confer w/ #StormyDaniels about keeping her #testimony within the confines set by the judge, & avoiding any “unnecessary” details. [to avoid a fricking mistrial ffs]

Note, when the judge in Trump’s civil fraud trial denied a mistrial, #Trump stormed out of the room.

We could see a #GagOrder violation today if he follows his typical behavior.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

#StormyDaniels is now being asked about a statement she signed denying having had an affair w/ #Trump, given to her by her lawyer & dated 10 Jan, 2018. This is the same statement that Trump recently posted on Truth Social had been "JUST FOUND."

#Blanche was unable to defend the post last week in the contempt hearing related to Trump's #GagOrder. The statement clearly had not just been found.

Daniels makes it clear that she didn’t want to sign the statement, & that it wasn’t true.


#Trump posted an angry message on TruthSocial saying he’d just learned who the next witness was [#StormyDaniels] & that his lawyers had “no time” to prepare.

The post remained up for 30 mins before Trump removed it, probably bc it was another violation of the #GagOrder & #jail is fully on the table.

Reportedly, Trump hates deleting posts — he sees it as a sign of weakness 🙄.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #StochasticTerrorism #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics

Tuesday 7 May 2024 #TrumpTrial 🧵

#StormyDaniels Is Expected to #Testify today

Daniels, who received $130k in #HushMoney to keep silent about her story of having had sex with #Trump, is at the center of the case against him.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

#HopeHicks is then shown a copy of her email forwarding the message to to “campaign leadership.” The email went to, among other people, Kellyanne Conway & Steve Bannon.

In it, she says: “Need to hear the tape to be sure,” & “Deny, deny, deny.” She describes it to prosecutor Colangelo as a “reflex.”

#criminal #law #Trump #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

During this technical dry testimony, #Trump again appears to be sleeping.

Trump tried to spin this Thurs afternoon in a post to Truth Social:

“I simply close my beautiful blue eyes, sometimes, listen intensely, and take it ALL in!!!”

However, SEVERAL people in his world have confirmed privately that he has been sleeping in court.

.#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

This morning, when speaking to cameras inside the courthouse, #Trump said #Merchan was trying to take away his constitutional rights.

He said his team will file a lawsuit today challenging the #GagOrder’s constitutionality

He railed against DA #AlvinBragg & Merchan, saying they're corrupt & a "disgrace to this country"&"this court."

"It's a cabal going on, by the way,"Trump said, adding they're trying to get Biden re-elected. [#ConspiracyTheory #QAnon]

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #MobTactics

After Justice #Merchan explained #Trump’s freedom to speak as a #witness, he concluded, “please let your attorney know” if you have any more questions. Note that Todd #Blanche, the lead defense #lawyer, nodded along when Trump made the comments in question outside the courtroom yesterday.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

Justice #Merchan is on the bench &addressing something that #Trump said outside court yesterday, when he claimed that he could not testify because of the #GagOrder.

The comment left many people confused, & it wasn’t clear if Trump was simply making an excuse for not testifying, or if he misspoke. But Justice Merchan is informing him that the statement was incorrect. The gag order “does not prohibit you from taking the stand” or limit what he can say, the judge says.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Today’s #TrumpTrial testimony 🧵
Friday, 3 May, 2024

Custodial witness, Doug Daus, a forensic analyst in the Manhattan DA’s office will continue to testify about obtaining audio from the phones of #MichaelCohen, #Trump’s former fixer.

Yesterday’s 🧵:…

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder #StormyDaniels #KarenMcDougal

#TrumpTrial 🧵 Thurs, May 2

charges are falsifying business records to hide #HushMoney payments in lead up to 2016 election to #influence electorate

just one Trump supporter at the courthouse draped in a Trump flag.

#StormyDaniels's lawyer, #KeithDavidson, to return to stand. He negotiated the hush-money payment at the center of the case, & is expected to lay out details of the deal.

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #KarenMcDougal

Chris #Conroy, the prosecutor, says they need to go through the articles but that it's "odd" that the defense is asking for an advance ruling.

When Conroy says that he thinks the #GagOrder is "very specific," #Trump vigorously shakes his head.

#Merchan says he is not going to pre-judge Trump's postings. "I'm not going to give advance rulings," he says.

"There is no ambiguity, I believe, in the order." He says that if Trump is in doubt, he should "steer clear."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Susan#Necheles, one of #Trump's lawyers, begins by asking for a clarification on the #GagOrder, giving a copy of some news articles to the judge. The articles are by what she calls “legal commentators" including #Trump supporter #JonathanTurley, saying, "These articles are all articles which President Trump would like to post on Truth." She says they involve some witnesses & aspects of the case, but Trump has “concerns" about posting because they reference witnesses.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

#Trump claimed on social media that this stmnt was “JUST FOUND” (it wasn’t)
He was penalized $1k for that as a violation of the #GagOrder.

#KeithDavidson reads #StormyDaniels's denial aloud.

#Steinglass: “How would you characterize the truthfulness of this statement?”
“Did you intend for this statement to be cleverly misleading?”

Davidson: “I don’t understand the question” & added he would “never” use the term “#HushMoney”. He prefers the term “consideration.”

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Side note, while Todd #Blanche was arguing against penalizing #Trump for violating the #GagOrder inside the courtroom, Trump was literally fundraising off it. In a message sent to supporters, Trump wrote that he’s “been FULLY GAGGED” & “stuck in court all day.”

The message included a link to a survey asking whether “you support President Trump more or less after every single witch hunt, raid, indictment, & arrest.“

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Justice #Merchan signals he continues to have little patience for #Trump’s comments about the #jury, saying they were mostly #Democrats.

Pretty sure he’ll be penalized for at least those comments.

The #GagOrder violations hearing is over.

Hopefully Merchan will give a ruling soon on it.

Short break.

#KeithDavidson, #StormyDaniels's lawyer, is back on the stand for more questioning from prosecutors.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

#Blanche discusses #MichaelCohen’s Tik-Tok videos, saying, “This is not a man that needs protection from the gag order.”

This is a serious concern for prosecutors. Their #witness, who had said that he would be silent after having attacked #Trump, has not. + Justice #Merchan has already written that he is somewhat sympathetic to the defense’s argument here.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

Justice #Merchan seems very mindful of #Trump painting himself as a #martyr, & is trying to emphasize Trump’s #FreeSpeech rights as a candidate.

Merchan says he’s not that concerned w/the potential violation where Trump referred to David Pecker as “a nice guy.”

Blanche moved on to #MichaelCohen.
Who has really been relentless & isn’t doing the prosecution any favors.
Blanche shows some of Cohen’s tweets.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

After Justice #Merchan pointed out that no one is forcing #Trump to talk to the #press, #Blanche’s response, “I agree with that.”

Merchan continues to express concern about Trump’s rights to free speech, particularly as a political candidate. He says that a whole press area has been set aside for Trump in the hallway so that “your client, as candidate for the presidency, has the opportunity to speak about absolutely anything he wants.”

#criminal #law #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

#Blanche is arguing that #Trump has to respond to reporters who ask him about #witnesses.

Justice #Merchan replies, “It was your client who went down to that holding area & stood in front of the press & started to speak. It wasn’t the press that went to him. He went to the press. He didn’t need to go in that direction.” He adds, “Nobody forced your client” to go talk to reporters in the courthouse hallway when he attacked #MichaelCohen.

#criminal #law #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

#Blanche complains about media coverage in the argument, but #Trump seeks out the media, he gives multiple stmnts outside the courtroom & constantly discusses the trial. He’s running on his #criminal charges.

Justice #Merchan says he doesn’t understand Blanche’s argument comparing Trump’s inability to speak out freely w/journalists' ability to report freely on him everyday. “They’re not defendants in this case," Merchan says forcefully. "They’re not subject to the #GagOrder.”

#law #TrumpTrial

But the judge asks, isn’t it possible to respond to #Biden without actually mentioning #StormyDaniels, a potential #witness?

[also Biden isn’t under a #GagOrder, threatening any #witnesses or facing multiple #criminal charges]

#Trump appeared to get frustrated during this exchange & motioned w/his hands.

#law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

#Trump atty #Blanche argues the purpose of the #GagOrder is to “protect the integrity of these proceedings” & that none of the 4 statements at issue were disruptive to the trial, & continues to say Trump’s statements are responses to political attacks.

Blanche mentions a comment from President #Biden at the WH Correspondents' Dinner in which the president made an oblique reference to #StormyDaniels, saying that Trump had been experiencing “stormy weather.”

#criminal #law #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

Conroy re #MichaelCohen,:
The judge, in ruling against #Trump after the first hearing, warned that #witnesses could not use the #GagOrder as a “sword,” attacking Trump while knowing that he would be fined for attacking them back. Conroy acknowledges that: “We understand the court's concern about Michael Cohen.” But he wants the violation recognized, as he says Trump is trying to “disrupt” the process & that his statements are “corrosive to this proceeding”

#criminal #law #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

Regarding #Trump’s comments about David #Pecker being nice, prosecutor Conroy argued it was a threat to other witnesses “be nice or else face attacks” not sure that will work. Conroy called Trump’s statements as “air of menace” I agree, but if we’re supposed to infer for a #GagOrder that gets a little tricky.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #TrumpTrial

Gag order hearing is underway

Moments into the prosecutors' argument, #Trump slapped the arm of his lead lawyer, Todd Blanche, and gestured with his hands. They spoke briefly and then Trump sat back and immediately shut his eyes.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

#Trump also attacked Justice #Merchan at a rally in Wisconsin last night & said that the #jury in this trial was drawn from a county —Manhattan — which is “a 95% or so Democrat area.”

Trump continued the same line of attack in the courthouse hallway. According to a pool report, he referred to Justice Merchan as conflicted & bragged about yesterday's rallies.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #MobTactics #GagOrder #TrumpTrial

Before the jury is called back in, Justice #Merchan plans to hold a hearing on whether #Trump has again violated the #GagOrder in the case.

Trump went to his social media platform this morning to again saying:

"We cannot let this radical left, corrupt & highly conflicted New York Democrat judge interfere w/the presidential election of 2024 — the most important election in the history of our country. The USA is truly a nation in decline! Remove the unconstitutional gag order."

#law #TrumpTrial

Sidebar via Ron Filipkowski:

#Trump just violated his #GagOrder again by posting a video on Truth Social of Steve Bannon attacking the judge’s daughter.…

The #Trump campaign is already fund-raising off Justice #Merchan’s #GagOrder ruling, sending an email to supporters claiming, in all caps, that a “liberal judge just silenced me.”

#TrumpTrial #law #contempt #criminal

During the break, the lawyers have continued to discuss the case with the judge. Now, a prosecutor, Matthew Colangelo, rises & says that if #Trump testifies, the prosecution would seek to cross-examine him about the judge’s ruling on the #GagOrder. This issue will be argued at length sometime later — & possibly not even today — but Colangelo raises it now.

#TrumpTrial #law #contempt #criminal

#Trump's lawyer Todd #Blanche, will conduct cross. It’s Blanche’s 1st #CrossExamination this trial.

It’s also the 1st time we’ve seen Blanche since the hearing last week in which he sought to argue that Trump had not violated the judge’s #GagOrder. Blanche lost that hearing.

Gary Farro was asked by Blanche about speaking with “the people,” (the prosecutors) Trump shook his head pointedly when Farro talked about meeting w/ prosecutors he had in DC ahead of his testimony.

#TrumpTrial #law

Justice #Merchan explicitly called #Trump’s claim that reposts don’t count as violations of the #GagOrder “counterintuitive and absurd.”

Justice Merchan rejected the defense’s claims that Trump had merely reposted the messages from others and that he had largely been acting in response to political attacks from two potential witnesses in the case: #MichaelCohen & #StormyDaniels.

#TrumpTrial #criminal #law

The judge, Juan M. #Merchan, fined him $9,000, punishing the former president for repeatedly violating a #GagOrder that bars him from attacking witnesses, prosecutors & jurors.

Merchan determined that #Trump had broken the #GagOrder by making several public statements on social media & on his campaign website in which he attacked #witnesses & the #jury.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial

Merchan, issued his ruling as the #TrumpTrial began its third week, saying that #Trump’s statements, including on social media, had violated the #GagOrder. Prosecutors had asked that Trump be held in #contempt, citing 10 public statements that they said posed a “#threat” to the trial.

#criminal #law

The judge says the people have met their burden of proof on some violations & fines #Trump $2,000 to begin with. There are more fines coming.

#TrumpTrial #criminal #law #GagOrder

Judge #Merchan begins immediately by saying that he has reached a ruling on whether #Trump violated the #GagOrder. We don’t know what it is yet.

#TrumpTrial #criminal #law

2/ Klasfeld:

"All rise."

Justice Juan Merchan enters the courtroom and goes to the bench.

📌He announces that the next hearing on the latest alleged #GagOrder violations has been rescheduled for Thursday.📌


Trial will break today at 1 p.m. ET.

#TrumpTrial Day 4 🧵 starts here.

Yesterday came to an abrupt end when the dishwasher leaked all over the floor. It’s fixed now, but what a mess.

Linus, Ramone & I are all doing well.

Yesterday’s 🧵 start:…

#criminal #law #Trump #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter #GagOrder

Start of #TrumpTrial testimony day3 (I’m not counting jury selection or off days) 🧵

#Tabloid Publisher #DavidPecker to Resume Testimony

#Pecker, the longtime publisher of The #NationalEnquirer, is expected to return to the stand & describe the #HushMoney deal w/ #StormyDaniels at the heart of the case, in which #Trump is charged w/ 34 #felonies.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference