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Items tagged with: GlobalWarming

Glad to see an article mentioning Central America becuase so often we are left out of the conversation

#GlobalWarming #Mexico #CentralAmerica #ExtremeHeat

I can't seem to get people to take ecological collapse seriously, even some in the scientific community. They think it is 'extremist' and 'politically-driven'. Everything is politics, including denialism and ignorance. Every move we make as a society and individual is politics. We don't need to analyses the dipiction's level and types to see its spirit. The spirit is correct. #FoodSecurity #Agriculture #FoodSystem
#environment #globalwarming

Spain's winter heatwave just got worse. 29.9⁰C (86F) in Malaga today!
That's 12⁰C (22F) above normal for December.
Highest temperature ever recorded in Spain in December.
#globalwarming #ClimateChange

So far, the highest October temperature ever recorded in Spain was 37.5⁰C (in 2014).
Today, it was 38.2⁰C in Montoro, near Córdoba, and 38.0⁰ in Badajoz, at the border with Portugal.
Via @extretemps on the birdsite.
#globalwarming #heatwave

Cory Doctorow: The Swerve

People are already getting really badly hurt, and it’s only going to get worse. We’re poised to break through key planetary boundaries – loss of biosphere diversity, ocean acidification, land poisoning – whose damage will be global, profound and sustained. Once we rupture these boundaries, we have no idea how to repair them. None of our current technologies will suffice, nor will any of the technologies we think we know how to make or might know how to make.

These boundaries are the point of no return, the point at which it won’t mat­ter if we yank the wheel, because the bus is going over the cliff, swerve or no.

Focus on the swerve.…

HN discussion:…

#ClimateChange #GlobalWarming #BusinessAsUsual #TheSwerve #CoryDoctorow #LetsRoll #MassCivilResistance