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Items tagged with: LeaseyLove

A tip for Leasey users working with JAWS Picture Smart.

In addition to giving you a description of an image once processed, you may know that you can ask questions relating to it.
This can either be done by activating the More Details link at the end of the description, or by asking a preliminary question using a number of newly introduced shortcut keys.

There may be lots of times when you want to ask the same question but for different images.
Examples might be:
Describe the pie chart only in this workbook.
This web page contains an image CAPTCHA. Provide more details.
The map on this page indicates the driver's location via a pin on the map. Give the location.

If you frequently need to ask similar questions, create Leasey abbreviations!
You will first of all need to create a Leasey Text containing the question and then you can assign it to a key sequence so as to reproduce the text in the future.
The Leasey documentation and hotkey help gives details of how to create abbreviations.
They can be used in any text edit area to reproduce huge passages of text, but Picture Smart is a good use case. #LeaseyLove

If you use Microsoft CoPilot in a web browser, you may have realised that JAWS will use what is known as Application Mode.
Put simply this mode is designed so as to treat a web-based environment as a standalone application.
With CoPilot there is a lot of difficulty with this approach. Even if you disable Application Mode by pressing NumPad Plus twice quickly, there are times where if you browse CoPilot with the Virtual Cursor, JAWS automatically goes back into Application Mode even if you have not asked it to do so.
A good example of this is where CoPilot displays items in a list. Ask it to create a food recipe for you and that will clearly demonstrate it.

The next update to Leasey will resolve this problem. There is some discussion about the benefits of Leasey on this platform right now. This is just one of the advantages. Issues like this can be resolved in short order. #LeaseyLove