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Items tagged with: climatecollapse

We are too late! We can moderate the impact a little bit and even that is worth fighting for! Also let's build a new society, independent from the existing one, because that one is lost. Let's fight the capitalist, patriarchal and authoritarian system(s) who created this mess! And in the mean time have solidarity with all people, except the ones who are guilty of this.




NASA data shows our Earth is heating at unprecedented speed: 1.64 W/mΒ²

Another 12-month EEI record (from Mar21-Feb22). That's a lot of additional energy in the Earth's system, available to heat oceans, land and atmosphere, melt ice and increase sea levels.


#ClimateCollapse #ClimateEmergency #ClimateCrisis #ClimateActionNow #TippingPoint
