
Items tagged with: missingstair

I woke up this morning to a slew of text messages pointing me towards an article on Vulture about Neil Gaiman. Most of the messages were people saying they were sorry they didn’t believe me in the early 90s when I first started warning people that he was a “missing stair”, a fake feminist, and a dangerous man in a closed room. I’m so fucking tired of being Cassandra. I warned you people. Over and over. Nobody fucking believed me. It was a large part of why I walked away from a career in that industry.

Trigger warning: this article is brutal. I wish I had not read it unprepared. This is very much a strap on your protective armor and maybe plan on quiet time, read. It is nightmare fuel. It probably still won’t be enough for him to see any real consequences.

(Archive link to avoid paywall, I support Vulture, but this story needs to be widely disseminated.)

#neilgaiman #abuse #rape #missingstair