Items tagged with: superbowl
Sincere question: I have been in a pop culture coma for decades. I just opened one eye to find out that a rapper is accusing another rapper of pedophilia. This song became a hit, it was recognized in the #goldenglobes and now was featured in the #superbowl halftime? In what world is this OK??
Okay, I couldn't let #SuperbOwl pass without indulging in personal show n tell 🦉
Some ancient Athenian Owl coins. 5 silver tetradrachms and one small Athenian bronze. Only the reverses are shown. The other side of each bears the bust of Athena
Dates - Main box and 1st two in top row were struck 454 to 404 BCE. Top Right: 393 to 294 BCE. Centre left column: 170 BCE. Bottom Left: 166 to 157 BCE